【同义词辨析】 2017-11-06 行动perform-fulfill
perform: implies action that follows established patterns or procedures or fulfills agreed-upon requirements and often connotes special skill or experience: ~ed gymnastics on the parallel bars. 双杠
execute: stresses the carrying out of what exists in design or in intent: ~d the heist exactly as planned. heist对商店、银行贵重物、钱的盗窃
discharge: implies execution and completion of appointed duties or tasks: ~d his duties promptly and effectively.
accomplish: stresses the successful completion of a process rather than the means of carrying it out: ~ed in a year what had taken others a lifetime.
achieve: adds to accomplish the implication of conquered difficulties: a nation struggling to ~ greatness.
effect: adds to achieve an emphasis on the inherent force in the agent capable of surmounting obstacles: a dynamic personality who ~ed sweeping reforms. 大范围的改革
fulfill: implies a complete realization of implied responsibilities or plans or ends or possibilities: a rare epic that ~s its ambitions.
perform履行表现表演: 指做规定或确定的事,常需技巧经验,execute执行: 强调实施已经设计的事,discharge完成: 指执行并完成职责责任,accomplish成功完成: 强调成功完成这一结果而非方式方法,achieve成就: 较上词增加了克服了困难的含义,effect实现: 较上词强调自身克服障碍的能力,fulfill完全实现: 指完全实现职责计划目标或可能性
记忆方法: 1) 首字母PEDAAEF重组为DEAF聋的和PEA豌豆<==采取行动
2) 行动的意思是实施或实现mean to carry out or into effect.